Artikelen door earmindbe

“The Brain’s Way of Healing”

“The Brain’s Way of Healing”, a new book by Norman Doidge Will the French rediscover the principles of Alfred Tomatis via the North American continent? Norman Doidge is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and researcher at Columbia University in New York, where he also teaches. Columnist for the Canadian newspaper “The National Post”, he shares his time […]

Neural circuits underlying mother’s voice perception predict social communication abilities in children

Children’s brains are more activated by hearing their mother’s voice, compared to hearing another female voice, even when the words lack any meaning. The activated brain regions go beyond just the auditory areas (primary auditory cortex), also including the areas responsible for emotions (amygdala), reward processing (mesolimbic reward pathway and medial prefrontal cortex), social functions, […]

Tomatis Effect – from Ear to Voice and Color

Tomatis Effect – from Ear to Voice and Color The international training centre Mozart-Brain-Lab (MBL), together with the Atlantis Institute and the Italian researcher Carmela Stillitano, have published the following scientific article called: “Tomatis Effect: From Ear to Voice and Colour”. The Study has shown that the voice of a brazilian actress has significantly improved […]